Photo Gallery
The photographs presented in the following albums are intended to provide insight into the day-to-day lives and the contribution made by members of Canada’s military medical services.
Pre-World War One
North West Campaign 1885
South African (Boer) War 1889 – 1902
Wounded being treated near Ladysmith during Boar War 1900 Source: The-Graphic-An-Illustrated-Weekly-Newspaper c. 1900
Miss Minnie Affleck, Nursing Sister, 1st Canadian Contingent, So. African, 1899-1902 War. Source: Library and Archives Canada
World War One
Mediterranean Theatre
Patients at a Canadian base hospital in Salonika lying on cots outside their huts enjoying the winter sun Copyright: © IWM. Original Source:
A group of Nursing Sisters and officers cycling together at No. 6 Canadian General Hospital in Le Treport, France, 2 June 1917. Source: Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3604146
Western Front Europe
Nursing Sisters assisting doctors and medical team during an operation at the military hospital at Le Treport, France, 1918. Source: Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3603393
Nursing Sister is assisting a doctor in a ward at the tent hospital. She is holding out a tray for him to take medical tools from. Le Treport, France, 1916. Source: Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3603392
Canadian wounded leaving Dressing Station in badly shelled village Oct 1917. Source: MIKAN-No–3397030
World War Two 1939 – 1945
Northwest Europe
The first nursing sisters of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps to land in France after D-Day. France, July 17, 1944. Source: Library and Archives Canada
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps Nursing Sisters wait for transport to a new asssignment. Source: British & Commonwealth Military Badge Forum
R.C.A.M.C. Nursing Sisters in tent near Caen, France, August 1944 Source: National Archives of Canada PA-108176
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (RCAMC) medic treating injured child near Boissons, France. June, 1944 Source: Library and Archives Canada / PA-141703. LAC
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps Nursing Sisters headed to France following D-Day invasion. Source: British & Commonwealth Military Badge Forum
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps Staff Sergent Medical Assistant chats with patient wounded in Korea Source: TBD
Casualties being transported by a Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps jeep ambulance, Vaucelles, France, July 1944. Source:
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (RCAMC) medic treating injured child near Boissons, France. June, 1944 Source: Library and Archives Canada / PA-141703. LAC
Cold War Europe 1952 – 1993
4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Westphalia Germany (1952 – 1970)
Canadian Forces Europe Baden-Württemberg Germany (1970 – 1993)
Source: Demmer, Edmmund. “Outstanding Support in Peace and War.” Lahr, Germany: 4 Field Ambulance, 1992.
Humanitarian Operations
Operation Assist Turkey-Iraq Border 1992
Operation Hestia Leogane Haiti 2010
20th Century Peacemaking
Bulkans 1991 – 1993
Operation FRICTION Persian Gulf 1990 – 1991
Afghanistan 2001 – 2014
Source: Starlight Afghanistan: Our Story in South-West Asia, CFHSG HQ, Ottawa
Canadian and US ambulance at Role 3 Medical Unit Afghanistan with Blackhawk Medevac helicopter in the background. Source: Starlight Afghanistan