Museums, Institute and Military Establishments

11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance Historic Artifacts Collection
The collection , owned and maintained by the 11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance Association, is located in the LGen E.C. Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave, Victoria, BC. The collection is divided between the unit’s lines and the Ashton Armoury Museum. Click here to view a selection of collection artifacts (Available only in English)

12 (Vancouver) Field Ambulance Museum
Also known as The Bowmer – Shoebotham Museum), the museum is co-located with the Seaforth Highlanders’ Museum, located in the Major-General B.M. Hoffmeister Building “The Seaforth Armoury”, at 1650 Burrard Street, Vancouver. Click here to learn more about the museum thanks to the unit’s former Honourary Colonel John Blaterwick, CM, OBC, CD, FRCP(C).

The Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre (CFHSTC) Museum.
The items comprising the museum are displayed throughout the CFHSTC, located in the Private Richard Rowland Thompson Building, Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario. The following CFHSTC collections can be viewed by clicking on the respective titles.
Medals and Awards | Trophies | Paintings, Prints and Statuary | Uniforms and Accessories | Queen Mother’s Banner and Accessories | British Trans Arctic Expedition
Canadian Forces Base Borden Military Museum.
The museum holds a small but none the less important number of medical artefacts. Click here to view a few of the more significant items.

Museum of Health Care at Kingston.
Housed in the Ann Baillie Building National Historic Site, Kingston, Ontario, commemorating Canada’s nursing history, the Museum of Health Care houses the country’s largest collection of healthcare artefacts. Click here for a short introductory tour.
Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Ottawa) Medical Artifacts Collection.
The items comprising the collection are displayed throughout the CFHSC (O), located at the Montfort Campus, 713 Montreal Road, Ottawa. The following collections may be viewed online by clicking on the respective titles.
Miscellaneous Memorabilia | Original Artwork | National Defence Medical Centre “Opening & Closing” | Historical Photographs | Contemporary Photographs | Medical Material | Uniforms and Accessories

2 Field Ambulance Canadian Forces Base Petwawawa
2 Field Ambulance is the location of an impressive set of four wall murals depicting a portion of the unit’s history. The murals, each 7’ x 10’, were created by Kingston artist Shane Goudreau prior to the unit’s 100th anniversary. Click here to view.