Awarded the Victoria Cross for conspicuous gallantry while in charge of an advanced dressing station in a farmhouse near Wieltje on the St. Julien-Ypres Road, on April 25, 1915, during the Second Battle of Ypres.

Figure: Capt Scrimger carrying wounded companion to safety.
The advancing enemy were bombarding the area with an intense shelling. The German infantry were within sight. Scrimger directed the removal of the wounded under the heavy fire. Captain Scrimger, badly wounded, carried the wounded officer out of the farmhouse to the road. The bombardment of shell forced Scrimger to stop and place Macdonald on the road. Scrimger then protected him with his own body. During a lull in the gunfire Scrimger again carried Macdonald toward help. When he was unable to carry him any further, he remained with the wounded man until help could be obtained
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